Audio & VideoBe-hagere Likura Yalineberew Seehon Habeshgna Lenatoch ena lehitoch Keras gar Chewata (No.1) Keras gar chewata (No.2) Manew ye Ewnet sew? Netele Theatre Performs Hama Tuma Play at BGU Africa Centre The Case of the Socialist Witchdoctor, a play adapted from short stories by Ethiopian activist/writer Hama Tuma, will be performed Tuesday, December 8, as part of the inauguration ceremonies of the Africa Centre at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Directed by Yafa Schuster, the play will be performed by members of the Netele Theatre. Based on court trials that took place in Ethiopia during Mengistu’s reign, the stories, written with Hama Tuma’s unique combination of satiric wit and warmth, reveal the realities of life under an oppressive regime in all its pain and absurdity. The current production was initiated by Doron Tavory at Hazira Performance Art festival in March 2008. The play is adapted from two stories: The Case of the Socialist Witchdoctor and the Case of the Illiterate Saboteur. The text of the play remains faithful to the stories, as translated by Dori Parnes. The complete collection of Hama Tuma’s stories, translated into Hebrew by Parnes, was published by Achuzat Bayit in 2009.